Every day we hear stories from parents and children about how impactful our programs have been on their everyday lives. Take a look at the stories below, and let us know how Soccer to Achieve is making a difference.
Positively Impacting
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Soccer to Achieve is offered in 10 cities across the United States
Success on and off the field
Success on and off the field
“We have enjoyed watching our son Chris grow as a member of Soccer to Achieve since he started with the program at the age of 8. We have noticed that he is far more confident in his studies and that he enjoys various activities that have helped him to grow his character and to excel in school. We are not the only family who loves this program, and we do not expect to be the last family who experiences what a great impact Soccer to Achieve will have on their child. We appreciate coaches Kingsley and Granger, and Chris’ tutor Ashley for what they have done to impact him and to rebuild his confidence as a child.”
– Tammy, Baltimore, MD
Soccer and Life Skills
Soccer and Life Skills
“When we first heard about Soccer to Achieve, a flyer came in my daughter’s backpack mentioning that they will be offering a free one hour demonstration. My daughter Kim enjoys being active so we figured we’d sign her up. Needless to say, she LOVED it and we decided to sign her up for the entire after-school year long program. The coaches and teachers instilled life skills which are important to us because growing up in the inner-cities as an African-American you have to focus on more just education and activities which makes life challenging. My daughter really enjoyed the fact that the coaches and teachers looked like her, could relate, and took the time out to teach her not just about soccer and education but to also share their experiences growing up as an African-American in Chicago. They care and sometimes it is extremely difficult to find a program whose instructors will take the time out to show that they care.” – Shanice, Chicago, IL
Home Sweet “Home”
Home Sweet “Home”
“We had to move our family abruptly in search of a better opportunity and we understood how difficult change could be for a child. My son Michael didn’t want to move and leave his friends, and he kept mentioning to me how difficult it will be to make new friends in Atlanta. He had always enjoyed soccer but we could never really find a program that he truly loved. Then we received information about Soccer to Achieve and Michael fell in LOVE with soccer all over again.” – Bobby, from Los Angeles to Atlanta
Pathway to other Activities
Pathway to Other Activities
“My son has always been an active young boy who enjoys all sports. But in our neighborhood, soccer isn’t the most popular sport. Soccer to Achieve came into John’s school one day to run a free soccer program, at first John didn’t care for soccer but he found it as opportunity to interact with his friends. I signed him up for an 8 week program, and he remained in the program for 2 years. He learned so much from Soccer to Achieve that it has now translated into him being one of the top players on his football team. I credit Soccer to Achieve’s ability to teach my son character, discipline, and leadership.” – James, Orlando, FL
Honor our Youth
Honor our Youth
“Kids play such an important role in become the leaders of the future and Soccer to Achieve realizes this. I have had the opportunity to sit in one of the summer camps for half a day and I was amazed at how Soccer to Achieve views the children as mentees and not just a group of kids that they can boss around and tell them what to do. There is a sense of honor and nurturing that sets this program apart from others and one that is highly respected because it believes in guiding our children into the future.” – Trisha, Richmond, VA
Improvement in the Classroom
Improvement in the Classroom
“It is always a wonderful accomplishment when a sports activity like soccer can translate into success in the classroom. As a public school teacher, you get kids of all different backgrounds, some with interest in excelling in the classroom, and others without much interest in education. Those without much interest in education changed when Soccer to Achieve came to our school. What they did that was so unique was that they incentivized the children to do well in the classroom. For every student who received straight “A’s” on their report card at the end of the semester, Soccer to Achieve would do something great to celebrate the child weather it is to take them to a live sporting match or host a Pizza and Ice Cream party to celebrate the child’s accomplishments. This incentive helped those who had no interest in education to change their entire mindset.” – Teacher, Philadelphia, PA
Soccer to Achieve is a Life Saver
Soccer to Achieve is a Life Saver
“Baltimore is one of the most dangerous cities in the nation. With a poverty rate around 24% and crime rates far above the normal, it is more important than every that kids have safe spaces. There are many after-school non-profit organizations in the city, but Soccer to Achieve seems to get it. The energy, positivity, and respect that the coaches and teachers receive from the students and vice versa, have helped these same students who are among those growing up in poverty to excel. Whether Soccer to Achieve is teaching entrepreneurship, financial literacy, or just mentoring the children, the program has been a life-saver and a true compliment to our school.” – Principal, Baltimore, MD